Zachary Stiles

Front-End Developer
UI/UX Engineer
Aspiring Cyborg

About Me

Computer engineer and friendly neighborhood cryptid based in southern New England. I enjoy gaming, video editing, hiking and world travel. I've worked in technology for over 20 years.



HTML5, JavaScript ES6, CSS / CSS3 / SASS


React, Angular, Vue, Rails, Bootstrap, WordPress

Tools / Etc:

Intuitive understanding of Git, GitHub, NPM, and agile CI/CD. Testing via Cypress, Jest, Jasmine, Enzyme, and Nightwatch. Also experienced in JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Java/Kotlin, C/C++.


University of
Rhode Island

B.S. in Computer Engineering
  (GPA: 3.48 / 4.00)
  • Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
  • Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society
    Student VP and Webmaster
2007 - 2011

Work History

Software Engineer X
  • Front-end web development with a majority focus on React.
  • End-to-end testing via Cypress, unit testing via Jest and Cypress.
  • API work with regards to UI sending and recieving data from site backend.
  • Extensive work developing components for the internal design library.
  • Microapp / agile CICD methodology.
April 2020 - present

Software Engineer II
  • Worked primarily as a front-end developer, using core HTML/JS/CSS and a variety of frameworks (mostly Vue) to fix bugs and develop new functionality.
  • Experience working with Java / Kotlin for site backend.
  • Extensive ADA / WCAG accessibiliy work.
  • Wrote test cases in Jest and Kotlin.
  • Agile / SCRUM development style.
April 2018 - April 2020

CVS Health

Sr Analyst App Development
  • Worked with AngularJS, Angular 2+, HTML5, JS, and CSS3 to create fully responsive UI.
  • Long-term and extensive development work with accessibility standards (WCAG 2.1).
  • Development, testing, and support for mobile web, mobile app, and desktop.
  • Experience working in both waterfall and agile development styles.
January 2017 - April 2018


UI Lead Developer
  • Worked as a contractor for six months while getting started with CVS Health.
  • Leadership recognition for UI development contributions within the first three months.
August 2016 - January 2017

Zmags, Inc.

Tech Support Champion
  • Assisted clients ranging from small businesses to large corporate accounts with the use of our publishing platform.
  • Handled support tickets via phone, email, and online chat; the team primarily used Salesforce and Zendesk.
  • Performed account maintenance, developed code demos, and wrote tutorial content for our Community Portal.
  • Worked with Product team to test, identify, and troubleshoot bugs, tracked primarily using Jira and Confluence.
March 2012 - May 2016

SupportSpace, Ltd.

Certified Expert
  • Provided a variety of online services including virus removal, troubleshooting software errors, and addressing "slow computer" problems.
  • Set up consumer home electronics such as computers, printers, and wireless routers.
  • Top ranking expert for number of cases completed, over 4,800 by October 2011.
December 2007 - October 2011

Racman Electronic Repairs

Technical Support, Office Assistant
  • Repair and troubleshoot computer problems.
  • Setup and maintenance of office local network.
  • Data entry and backup using QuickBooks.
  • General office duties, such as filing paperwork and ordering parts.
2005 - 2008
After my career as a developer took off, personal projects have focused more on practicing design skills. I use Vue a lot because it's the level of tooling and overhead I've found most comfortable for single-dev artistic endeavours like these.

Portfolio Website (2022)

  • This site (the one you're reading now) uses Vue, runs on Netlify for CICD, and is managed via Git.
  • All templates created from scratch using HTML and CSS. Sass nesting and mixins to keep things tidy.
  • Synthwave-inspired neon theme, smooth scroll for internal navigation, simple modal for screenshots and videos.
  • All sites featured responsively adapt to viewport size, appearing nicely on widths 320px and up.
Demo of this site, the one you're on right now. Mobile / responsiveness testing starts at 1:46.

★彡Zack's Aesthetic Shack彡★

  • Hacked together in a single night for a summer art festival, its aim was to create something simple yet stylish.
  • Vaporwave-inspired "Windows 98" aesthetic achieved via 98.css and custom taskbar elements.
  • Comingling semi-transparent foreground with full-page background allows elements to smoothly fade into view on scroll.
  • Simple third-party guestbook integration, in keeping with the traditions of classic 90s web design.

Video Production

PowerDirector 18, VideoPad, Streamlabs
  • Learned VideoPad and editing techniques while creating weekly highlights from Twitch streams.
  • Learned PowerDirector in <12 hours after projects became too complex for VideoPad (memory full / exports crashing).
  • Produced 129 videos over the course of 2020 and 2021 as part of an ongoing project.
  • Subject matter includes animation, cat videos, music videos, comedy skits, a cooking show, vlogs and crafting.
Best Frenemies: a story of two surly cat roommates.Dominoes Coffee: home automation at its finest.cyborg walk: a goofy, heavily greenscreened music-video.

Comic Complex

  • Custom portfolio site made for / in collaboration with my brother Will Stiles when he was first starting on web design.
  • Presented as a fictional apartment complex, traditional scrolling is replaced by elevator movement between floors.
  • System for persistent interactive elements and animated GIFs (characters, props, etc); these resize and reposition automatically to keep their place when viewport is resized.
  • Versatile modal system facilitates image galleries, YouTube videos, a webcomic with its own navigation and news section.
  • Separate backend and cloud-storage site using Cockpit CMS allows no-coding-needed additions to the comic and galleries.
  • Frontend hosted on Netlify for CICD, managed via Git.
Demonstration of responsive design and various novel functionality.Site 'Home' view, featuring a webcomic and several animated characters.Bonus art "Perpetual Pen" found in a hidden modal on the 'About' page.'Portfolio' view contains two more galleries and a YouTube embed.Sample of layout work from Motif Magazine, found in the 'Gallery' modal.The 'Contact' page features a random selection of characters (changes on refresh).